With our rigorous experience we will guide you to set your project and realise your selling under the best conditions.
A proper demanding price for your property will give real value to it. We will be able to decide this with you, due to our perfect knowledge of the market.Once we have decided the selling-conditions together, we will take in charge the whole process until the final act.
Our referenced website and those of our specialised partners, our publications in the press reviews will give the optimal publicity for your property. By this way we will get in touch with a maximum of foreign buyers (Switzerland, Dutch, English, Scandinavian, German, Russian, etc).
In fact, we have an increasing demand of potential international and national buyers for whom we know the serious and the financial quality.
The communication in their origin language enables us to create a conductive exchange to the establishment of a confident relationship, which is necessary for a property sale.
Your property may match with theirs expectations?If you want to sell, or if you are questioning yourself about the opportunity to do it, contact us. We will do our best to respond correctly at your interests.
Naturally and whatever will be your decision, your demand will stay totally confidential.
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